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Chem & Biochem Students Meeting

27th of June, 2024

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Campo Grande, Lisboa


The Chem & Biochem Students Meeting is back!

Join us on June 27, 2024, for the 4th Chem & Biochem Students Meeting hosted at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL) in the C8 building's 8.2.30 auditorium.

All PhD, MSc and BSc students from FCUL are warmly invited to showcase their research in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry! Students from other institutions are also warmly welcome! Additionally, our invitation is extended to the wider academic community, including Professors, Researchers, Research Fellows and Post-Docs.

This year's program will cover two plenary sessions hosted by Dr. Susete Pinteus and Dr. Hugo Miranda, complemented by oral presentations, flash talks, and poster communications. Finally, a round table discussion will take place at the end of our meeting.

Remember: registration is mandatory to all participants but entirely free!

See you in June :)


Plenary Sessions


Book of Abstracts

Plenary Sessions

Susete Pinteus
MARE - IPLeiria
Hugo Miranda
NOVA Medical School



Book of Abstracts



Registration is mandatory for all participants

Registration: 16th of June 2024

Abstract Submission: 5th of June 2024

All communications should be presented in English.
The 10 best poster abstracts will be selected for a flash communication

Oral Communications: 10 minutes talk + 5 minutes of questions
Flash Communications: 3 minutes talk + 2 minutes of questions
Poster Communications: please ensure that posters adhere to A0 portrait size specifications

Additionally, a mini-review poster communication on a subject of interest, A3 portrait size, will be accepted for students with no research project.

Registration and Submission Form


Catarina Maria | 1st year PhD Student in Chemistry
Daniela Freitas | 1st year PhD Student in Biochemistry
David Santos | 2nd year MSc Student in Biochemistry and Biomedicine
Inês Ventura | 3rd year PhD Student in Biology
João Sequeira | 2nd year PhD Student in Biochemistry
João Vitorino | 2nd year PhD Student in Biochemistry
Marco Sá | 1st year PhD Student in Chemistry
Marta Batista | 1st year PhD Student in Biochemistry
Tânia Moreira | 1st year PhD Student in Chemistry

Ana S. Viana | Assistant Professor
Bárbara J. Henriques | Invited Assistant Professor
Frederico Herrera | Assistant Professor
Hugo Botelho | Junior Researcher
Nuno M. Xavier | Invited Assistant Professor
Paulo Costa | Invited Assistant Professor
Susana Santos | Assistant Professor
Tânia Morais | Invited Assistant Professor

Filomena Martins | Associate Professor
Inês Feliciano | PhD Student
Margarida Gama Carvalho | Assistant Professor
Miguel Machuqueiro | Assistant Researcher



Please let us know if you have any questions


